
Mid-Atlantic Bowhunters Chapter

During these unprecedented times, we need to hear from our members regarding your preferences for our 2021 Banquet and Auction Fundraiser to be held on February 27, 2021. Your responses will be key to our plans for the best banquet/auction possible under the circumstances.

Please note that your answers to the two questions below will not obligate you in any way.
All those who respond to the survey will be entered into a drawing for a $100 Cabela’s gift card. Please provide your name and email address for the drawing. Entries must be submitted by 5:00 pm (EST) on October 8th to be eligible for the drawing.

    Your Name:*

    Your Email Address:*

    Question 1:
    Loudoun County is in Phase III of the Covid-19 Restrictions which allows for up to 250 people at a gathering. Assuming appropriate precautions are in place to ensure the safety and well-being of our guests, will you be attending the MABC Banquet and Fundraiser Auction if the circumstances in February are the same as they are today?

    Question 2:
    If you will not be attending the banquet, will you support the online auction?

    Additional Comments[optional]:

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